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Support for carers

We’re here to help guide our patients who are also carers to free and helpful resources and support.

If you look after a partner, relative or friend who is disabled or ill due to physical or mental health, you are a carer, even if you don’t think of yourself as one. Being a carer is a huge commitment and one that can impact on your life in a number of ways. At Spring Terrace we understand how important carers are to the health and wellbeing of our patients. That’s why we want to signpost our carers to a number of important and free resources and training opportunities.

North Tyneside Carers Centre

North Tyneside Carers’ Centre is an independent charity and a network partner of Carers Trust. They make it their missions to improve the quality of life of carers in North Tyneside. Their website is a great resource for adult and young carers alike. NTCC can help you access education and training, find a support network of likeminded people and provide 1-2-1 support and counselling.

Visit their website here.

Message in a bottle

NEAS’s message in a bottle scheme provides an added layer of information for emergency services to access upon arrival at someone’s home. The information is kept on a form, placed in special plastic bottle. The plastic bottle is kept in the fridge where the emergency services will expect to find it in the event of being called to the home. They will know someone has a bottle by labels.  One label is put on the fridge door, and one at the front door.  This will give those attending vital information on the patient and save valuable time.

NPC Spring Terrace


Spring Terrace
North Shields
Tyne and Wear
NE29 0HQ

Northumbria Primary Care